The real problem? It's too @#$%! easy to guess!

Credit to Author: Sharky| Date: Tue, 26 Sep 2017 03:00:00 -0700

It’s a few decades back, and this IT pilot fish’s desk is within easy earshot of the woman in the Security group who unlocks user accounts for the tech staff.

“It was in a corner of the technical library — an office with racks of technical manuals that people would come and look up error codes in, back in the previous century,” says fish.

“Because I was so close to this woman’s desk, I overheard the following conversation many times each day:

“Hello, this is Security.”


“What is your ID?”

Sound of typing.

“What is your password, so I can verify your account?”

Pause. More typing.

“OK, your account is reset.”

“That was always the same, until one afternoon when she asked, ‘What is your password?’ and there was a long silence.

“A very long silence.

“Then I finally heard her again as she said, ‘Well, if you can’t say it to a woman, I guess you shouldn’t have used it as your password!’ and slammed down the phone.”

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