AI in healthcare sparks urgency in IT infrastructure updates

Credit to Author: Samir El Hassanin| Date: Mon, 20 May 2024 13:00:00 +0000

The implementation of artificial intelligence (AI) in healthcare is  significantly impacting how doctors, nurses, and administrators perform their duties. However, the sector is just scratching the surface with AI because the potential number of use cases is immeasurable.  Healthcare and AI use cases Consider how AI applications…

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Four essential outcomes to creating healthcare facilities ahead of their time

Credit to Author: Estelle Monod| Date: Thu, 18 Apr 2024 14:22:28 +0000

Healthcare organizations face unique challenges because of the essential and often critical nature of the services they provide to patients. The impact of COVID and the ongoing climate crisis have added pressures that impact the ability of healthcare organizations to provide high-quality patient care, including:…

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How Digitization Increases Satisfaction in Healthcare Spaces

Credit to Author: Schneider Electric| Date: Mon, 30 Oct 2023 16:42:53 +0000

For hospital owners and designers, patient satisfaction remains a top priority. As generations age, patients are increasingly native to technology and expectations for a personalized, digital experience is the new normal. In fact, 65% of healthcare consumers expect a more convenient experience, and 70% expect…

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Boosting Hyper-Efficiency with Edge Computing in Healthcare

Credit to Author: Adam Compton| Date: Fri, 20 Oct 2023 18:11:00 +0000

In the dynamic healthcare landscape, hyper-efficiency within smart hospitals takes on a new level of importance. When we say “hyper-efficiency,” we refer to the optimal performance of hospital operations, where smart capital expenditure aligns seamlessly with intelligent operational procedures and technology deployment. This is where edge…

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Why Hospitals Need Seasoned Experts to Navigate IoT in Healthcare

Credit to Author: Adam Compton| Date: Tue, 17 Oct 2023 12:00:00 +0000

In today’s era of the smart hospital – one that is connected to the overall IT architecture – the risk of an IT-driven, hospital-wide disruption is increased. Resiliency, efficiency, and security are now more important than ever. Hospitals need qualified partners to help them reduce…

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Several hospitals still counting the cost of widespread ransomware attack

Categories: News

Tags: hospital

Tags: healthcare

Tags: ransomware

Tags: hijack

Tags: network

Tags: compromise

Tags: data

Tags: ambulance

Tags: service

Tags: redirect

A widespread ransomware attack affecting 16 hospitals last week has led to ongoing cleanup efforts.

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The post Several hospitals still counting the cost of widespread ransomware attack appeared first on Malwarebytes Labs.

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Healthcare’s road to net-zero carbon emissions

Credit to Author: Daniel Garcia Gil| Date: Mon, 12 Dec 2022 16:17:01 +0000

The previous post in this series introduced our 3-phase approach to decarbonizing the healthcare sector. In this blog, I will further address healthcare sustainability and discuss the industry’s journey to net-zero carbon emissions. Healthcare is among the most energy-intensive sectors, representing 7% of Australia’s total…

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