Give the gift of Sophos Home for the holidays

Soph HomeIt may not fit neatly under a tree but, when family are all gathered around this holiday season, and inevitably someone mentions the way their computer has been “acting weird” lately, you’ll be able to give a gift that keeps on giving: Sophos Home.

And unlike so many other items on your shopping list, the price for this gift is unbeatable: Sophos Home is completely free.

This business-grade protection keeps you and your family safe from viruses, malware, ransomware, and even dodgy websites – on both Macs and PCs. There are no ads, no “premium” versions to unlock, and at no time will you ever need to enter credit card information.

If you’re the household IT expert, it’ll be easy for you to manage and keep an eye on how your family’s computers are doing, as Sophos Home uses a centralized, cloud-based dashboard that gives you real-time feedback on the security of Macs and PCs you’ve registered with Sophos Home.

Parents should also take note of its parental controls and web filtering capabilities, which mean you can keep your kids safe online, away from unsuitable content and sites that try and steal personal information or install malware.

Diagnosing a computer that’s “acting weird” is something that’s familiar to many of us. Working on that is a great time to remind your family of some good habits, such as:

  • Mind what you click, especially in emails. Be especially aware of links in emails asking for login information, as that is a good sign of a phish.
  • Keep your phone and computer’s software up to date. Be sure to install updates as soon as they become available.
  • Make sure to use unique, strong passwords for all websites and services you use. To make this task a bit easier, we recommend using a password manager.
  • Use security software (like Sophos Home!) to protect you from threats. Because, even a”safe” and well-reputed website can be compromised by malware and try to infect its visitors.

You can give your family the gift of safe internet surfing habits, and virus-free PCs and Macs this holiday season with Sophos Home. It certainly beats a fruitcake.


Filed under: Corporate, Security Tips Tagged: security tips, Sophos Home