Artificial Intelligence: A Catalyst for Business Managers

Credit to Author: Guest Blogger| Date: Mon, 22 Jul 2024 10:20:38 +0000

The world is evolving at a breathtaking speed, and we are experiencing new innovations on a daily basis. It has become even more disruptive with the introduction of large language models (LLMs) and Generative AIs. These innovations are no longer futuristic; instead, they have become…

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How Integrated Robotics are revolutionizing the reuse of semi-conductors, reducing e-waste, and contributing to the circular economy

Credit to Author: Ali Haj Fraj| Date: Mon, 08 Jul 2024 12:00:00 +0000

With artificial intelligence advancing at an astonishing rate, keen investors are putting their money into the infrastructure that supports these new technologies. We only need to look at the soaring success of companies like NVIDIA to see that digital commodities such as semi-conductors (and the…

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How energy management and automation innovations reduce costs for indoor growing farm sites

Credit to Author: Neil Smith| Date: Thu, 29 Feb 2024 14:00:00 +0000

Our planet is facing a global food production and distribution system challenge. The UN forecasts a global population increase of nearly 2 billion over the next 30 years. Food production must increase by 70% without impacting the environment. Consider the example of the nation of Singapore. Given…

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Leveraging the benefits of a partner ecosystem for Industry 4.0 and Automation 

Credit to Author: Darlene Santos| Date: Thu, 19 Oct 2023 13:40:00 +0000

Industry 4.0 transforms how manufacturers produce and deliver products through digitalization and automation. Such automation projects are often complex and time-consuming, especially when manufacturers retrofit to drive operational efficiencies. These projects typically require an ecosystem of partners working together to get them done right and…

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Unlocking energy efficiency: The impact of ISO 52120-1 in building automation, controls, and management

Credit to Author: Philippe Vollet| Date: Wed, 04 Oct 2023 13:00:00 +0000

The necessity and urgency to decarbonize our society requires massive electrification and local use of renewable energy sources. Digitalization and automation can help manage and optimize our production and energy consumption. The building industry, contributing more than 40% of global gas emissions, can benefit from…

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Software-based, real-time high availability comes to industrial automation control systems

Credit to Author: Domenico Napoli| Date: Wed, 12 Jul 2023 11:56:00 +0000

Controlling costs and remaining competitive continue to be important goals for any businesses, especially true in industrial automation. Deloitte recently identified some key trends for manufacturing operations, including the need to invest in smart technologies and smart factory transformation. The report notes that “companies with…

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How green steel manufacturers achieve process optimization while electrifying and digitalizing operations

Credit to Author: Mo Ahmed| Date: Thu, 06 Apr 2023 12:00:00 +0000

The iron and steel industries are responsible for 9% of global CO2 emissions and are under significant pressure from governments, citizens and many customers to decarbonize their operations. For instance, leading automobile manufacturers demand that steel component suppliers provide them with green steel (steel manufactured…

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The Fab Four of Sustainability & Efficiency enhancement through Software in Process Automation

Credit to Author: Friedrich Richter| Date: Wed, 05 Apr 2023 13:00:00 +0000

Sustainability has clearly become an integral part of every business agenda. And there was no shortage of challenges for companies in this field over the last twelve months. Worldwide, an increasing number of weather-related and geopolitical events adversely affected people, businesses, and our economy. It…

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