After half a century today’s automation systems are adding even more business value

Credit to Author: Sophie Borgne| Date: Fri, 22 Nov 2019 19:42:20 +0000

How a modernization project increased a plant’s production efficiency by 20% The Modicon PLC was a game changer for control system technology. It was designed in 1968 to be a… Read more »

The post After half a century today’s automation systems are adding even more business value appeared first on Schneider Electric Blog.

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How Modernizing your Automation System can Boost Overall Plant Profitability

Credit to Author: Sophie Borgne| Date: Mon, 29 Jul 2019 12:00:54 +0000

How’s your control system performing lately? If it’s been doing its job you may not have given it much thought. But if operational efficiency is down and you want increase… Read more »

The post How Modernizing your Automation System can Boost Overall Plant Profitability appeared first on Schneider Electric Blog.

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Asset Optimization – the cherry on top of your APM strategy

Credit to Author: Sophie Borgne| Date: Tue, 25 Jun 2019 10:00:55 +0000

It’s time to talk about Asset Optimization. But before we do that, let’s recap. This post is the final in a 4-part series on Asset Performance. Imagine you’ve taken all… Read more »

The post Asset Optimization – the cherry on top of your APM strategy appeared first on Schneider Electric Blog.

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Are your current maintenance practices draining profits?

Credit to Author: Sophie Borgne| Date: Wed, 05 Jun 2019 21:36:02 +0000

How Maintenance Excellence can reduce downtime, overall maintenance costs and worker stress while boosting plant efficiency In recent blog posts I’ve explored how Asset Performance can affect your plant’s economic… Read more »

The post Are your current maintenance practices draining profits? appeared first on Schneider Electric Blog.

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Asset Reliability is the first step in your Asset Performance Management (APM) Strategy

Credit to Author: Sophie Borgne| Date: Wed, 24 Apr 2019 15:37:48 +0000

Asset Reliability is my number 1 tip for getting started with Asset Performance Management. Asset Performance is a hot topic in industrial automation right now. With so much capital invested… Read more »

The post Asset Reliability is the first step in your Asset Performance Management (APM) Strategy appeared first on Schneider Electric Blog.

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Asset Performance… and economic return

Credit to Author: Sophie Borgne| Date: Tue, 09 Apr 2019 21:14:18 +0000

How to make your largest industrial investment work harder for you Why does Asset Performance matter? If you’re wondering where to start with your digitalization journey, Asset Performance is a… Read more »

The post Asset Performance… and economic return appeared first on Schneider Electric Blog.

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