Malwarebytes Browser Guard introduces three new features

Categories: Personal

Tags: Malwarebytes

Tags: Browser Guard

Tags: Premium

Tags: new features

Malwarebytes Browser Guard introduces three new features: Content control, import & export, and historical detection statistics

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Healthcare site leaks personal health information via Google and Meta tracking pixels

Categories: News

Categories: Privacy

Tags: personal health information

Tags: Advocate Aurora Health

Tags: tracking pixels

Tags: privacy

Tags: browser guard

Advocate Aurora Health has disclosed that its websites may have shared visitor’s identity and personal health information with Google and Meta.

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WOOF locker: Unmasking the browser locker behind a stealthy tech support scam operation

Credit to Author: Jérôme Segura| Date: Wed, 22 Jan 2020 16:00:00 +0000

We reveal the inner workings of WOOF locker, the most sophisticated browser locker campaign we’ve seen to date. Learn how this tech support scam evades researchers and ensnares users by hiding in plain sight.



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The post WOOF locker: Unmasking the browser locker behind a stealthy tech support scam operation appeared first on Malwarebytes Labs.

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For Cybersecurity and Domestic Violence Awareness months, we pledge to fight stalkerware

Credit to Author: Wendy Zamora| Date: Tue, 01 Oct 2019 15:00:14 +0000

Starting today, two hallmark holidays are upon us. No, it’s not Halloween and Thanksgiving. It’s both Cybersecurity Awareness Month and Domestic Violence Awareness Month. It’s no coincidence these two awareness campaigns overlap. What were once seen as separate realities—the physical and the digital—are increasingly blurred as our offices, schools, and hospitals move from paper to…



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The post For Cybersecurity and Domestic Violence Awareness months, we pledge to fight stalkerware appeared first on Malwarebytes Labs.

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